“Let's get together for lunch and catch up.”
“Let's do lunch sometime.”
“Why don't we go out for lunch.”
Getting together with friends for lunch seems to be the default activity for many woman. Why is that?
Could it be because we can't think of anything else to do?
If lunch dates with your girlfriends are becoming a burden on your wallet, don't be a Debbie downer…just offer a frugal alternative.
Of course, lunch is certainly cheaper than getting together for dinner, but food is not required for catching up with your friends. The next time someone suggests going out for lunch, try offering one of these less expensive options.
1. How about coffee instead of lunch? Even better, invite them to your home for coffee it’s easy, cheap and a great way to catch up face to face. You could even “splurge” and make The Budget Diet's Skinny Iced Latte.
2. Check the calendar of events at your local library and community center. Maybe they have a free monthly book club or even a free yoga class that would be perfect to enjoy with a friend on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be nice to see your friend for yoga every Tuesday?
3. Pretty weather? Suggest a picnic in the park, and you can each bring something to share.
4. Love to bake? Invite your friend over for dessert.
5. Are your lunch dates sabotaging your diet? Instead of lunch, take a walk with a friend. Try a nature trail or the beach if there's one nearby. Otherwise, wandering the streets of your neighborhood is always fun.
6. In the spirit of fitness, suggest a bike ride to your friend.
7. Get crafty with your friend and make some of those Pinterest projects you've been admiring.