Knowing When to Use Coupons and When to Just Say No!

how to use coupons effectively

Coupons are incredibly beneficial for consumers, and they provide an easy way to save money on items frequently purchased. When they're not used properly, however, they lead to reckless spending and wasted items. By ensuring that any item bought with a coupon is necessary, people can reduce this waste and overspending. Learn how to use coupons effectively with these three easy steps.

Tips for Using Coupons

Are you already planning on buying it?
Some coupons, like food coupons are generally beneficial. People need to purchase food regularly, so saving a few dollars with every purchase is a great thing. Sometimes, though, people will buy things just because they have a coupon – things they probably wouldn't have purchased otherwise. Many times, these items will be used once and then sit on a shelf or in a closet until being thrown away years later. Is it worth buying something that will only be used once just because there's a coupon for a few dollars off?

Will you use all of it?
Buying in bulk can be a great boon, especially to large families and childcare facilities, which tend to go through snacks and supplies quickly. In those cases, coupons for items bought in bulk make a great deal of sense because the family or company will likely use everything they've bought. Unless a family goes through a large amount of the item on a regular basis, though, buying in bulk will just result in waste, particularly if it's food. Saving $10 on a $100 purchase doesn't make sense if a family will only use $30 worth of the item.

How much will it really save you?
If an item is going to be used infrequently, like an ice cream maker, several factors besides price come into play. Where will the item be stored while it's not in use? Is there enough space to store it safely without inconveniencing anyone? Perhaps there are cheaper alternatives available. For instance, an automatic ice cream maker might have an accompanying coupon, but many manual ice cream makers can be found for far less than even a heavily discounted automatic model. Further, items that require regular maintenance can end up costing more money than the owner initially thought.

Consumers can save a lot of money by using coupons for their normal purchases or even for large purchases they were already intending to make. Ensuring that the item being purchased will be used completely, particularly if it's a bulk item, can help cut down on waste and spending. Shoppers should make sure the item won't end up costing more than the initial price and that there aren't less expensive options available. Coupons are meant to save money, but they can only do that when they're used wisely.


written by:
Nan Gibbons

Nan is a fitness expert and marketer who loves traveling the world to advise at sporting events. When she’s stateside, she enjoys spending time volunteering at environmental organizations and spending time with her lab mix, Cody.