Keeping Up With The Joneses

Keeping Up With The Joneses is now available on DVD, and it's a must see movie for anyone trying to get out of debt or for anyone that's just trying to save money.

The movie paints an ugly, but true picture of American consumerism.

If you're trying to get out of debt or save money, I highly recommend seeing Keeping Up With The Joneses because you'll learn four very important money saving lessons.

  1. Lesson #1: Advertising has become so sophisticated in creating our desire for products…don't fall in the trap! I promise, every product out there is not going to change your life!
  2. Lesson #2: Is it a need or a want? This is a basic elementary school lesson that America has forgotten. The latest and greatest cell phone is really a want not a need…try explaining that to your teenagers! Better yet…watch the movie with them!
  3. Lesson #3: Don't feel compelled to buy something just to keep up with or to impress your friends! I might suggest finding new friends that are into saving money instead of spending money…it just might rub off on you!
  4. Lesson #4: New and improved products are being developed everyday, especially in the area of electronics! Stay away from the electronics stores or you may easily be lured into buying the latest and greatest electronic gadget when you discover all the things your current gadget can't do! If you didn't wander into the electronic store, you would never have known what you're missing! Don't let anyone tell you that your two year old computer is obsolete.

Let's all take a pledge…

I will no longer buy things just to keep up with the Joneses.

I will only buy things that I need.

I will become the poster child for saving money!

I'll make my neighbors want to be frugal just like me!


In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!