How To Get Free Products To Review – 20+ Best Ways

Imagine opening your mailbox and finding dozens of packages that had been sent to you, completely for free, letting you try out new products in exchange for your opinion?

This might sound like a dream come true. But believe it or not, there are plenty of companies and brands that give free products for review to both influencers and everyday people.

If you're interested in this type of hustle, here are some of the top brands and product review platforms to apply to.

20+ Popular Brands To Get Free Products To Review

1. Amazon

Amazon Vine

If you want to get free stuff to review, Amazon is one of the leading companies out there.

For starters, its own Amazon Vine program gives free products to frequent Amazon purchasers and reviewers. It's an invite-only program, but if you qualify, you receive a steady stream of products to try out and review on Amazon.

This is the best way to get paid for Amazon reviews. Companies on the marketplace can also reach out to people and offer free merchandise in exchange for reviews. However, this is against Amazon's terms of service, so stick with Amazon Vine.

2. PINCHme


Want to get free samples in exchange for your opinion? In this case, PINCHme is the website for you.

This U.S. website sends people free samples in exchange for their feedback. It's essentially a product testing gig, and you can enjoy free food, snacks, beverages, beauty products, and other essentials through its program.

PINCHme also works with dozens of national brands, so product variety is excellent. The main downside is it can take weeks or months for packages to arrive, and you might not like every product the website offers.

Get started with PINCHme!

3. Pinecone Research


Pinecone Research is a leading online survey site that lets you earn free gift cards and cash by completing short surveys.

It's one of the highest-paying survey sites and pays $3 per survey you complete. Plus, it sometimes offers product review gigs where you get paid to test out new products from various brands.

These opportunities aren't too common. But between the $3 surveys and getting free products to test, Pinecone Research is a reputable and legit side hustle.

Check out our Pinecone Research review for more details.

4. CrowdTap


CrowdTap is another popular survey website that lets you answer questions to get paid.

Unlike most survey platforms, the surveys CrowdTap answers are more like polls and are just a few simple questions. The company also offers occasional product testing gigs where you receive free stuff and get to test it out and then keep the product.

These testing opportunities aren't too common. However, you can always answer the cash surveys in your spare time since they don't take too long while you wait for free product review opportunities.

Try out CrowdTap!

5. Daily Goodie Box

Daily Goodie Box

Daily Goodie Box is similar to PINCHme and lets you get free samples and products to review from the comfort of your own home.

All you have to do is sign up for free and request a box. From there, the company sends occasional boxes with a variety of products for you to test. Afterwards, you submit some brief feedback online and get to keep everything you're testing.

Products you receive generally include snacks, beverages, teas and coffees, beauty supplies, cleaning products, and various household goods.

Get your Daily Goodie Box!

6. Rebaid


Rebaid is a shopping rewards website that lets you buy products from massive retailers like Amazon, Target, and Walmart at a discount.

It's similar to shopping extensions like Rakuten and is an excellent way to save money when shopping online. Plus, Rebaid sometimes offers rebates of up to 100% from partner brands, so you can get free products.

The reason this happens is because brands sometimes want to give away free products in exchange for reviews and feedback. So, keep an eye out on these large discounts or free products and take advantage of them.

7. Influenster


Another easy way to get free products to review is to use Influenster, a platform that connects brands and everyday people.

With Influenster, you receive free products from major brands to test and give your opinion. The company sends out “VoxBoxes” regularly, which are packages filled with various freebies, for its members to test and review.

These boxes can contain anything from new cleaning products to snacks or beauty products. But Influenster tries to send you products that match your interests based on your profile, which is nice.

Overall, Influenster is one of the most popular ways to get paid for your reviews. And you can get started with its Android or iOS app in just a few minutes.

8. Start A Blog

One of the most consistent ways to get free products to review is to start your own blog and become an influencer.

As a blogger, I receive dozens of emails every week offering free products, software, and subscriptions in exchange for reviewing them. If you create your own blog in the niche you're interested in, it won't take long before brands begin reaching out.

This is especially true for blogging niches like food, entertainment, parenting, DIY, beauty, and lifestyle.

Plus, a blog can turn into a solid source of passive income if you monetize it with display ads and affiliate marketing. And you can start your own blog for just a few dollars per month with companies like SiteGround.

9. Start A YouTube Channel

Like blogging, starting a YouTube channel is another reliable way to get free stuff to review.

Some YouTube channels even focus entirely on product reviews. And if you're a lifestyle vlogger or focus on product-rich niches, plenty of brands will begin reaching out as you grow a following.

These brands generally want to be featured in your videos in exchange for sending you free products. But if they're a good fit for your channel, this is a win-win for you and the companies you work with. Plus, you can make money on YouTube through Google AdSense ads and promoting your own products and services.

This is also one of the best ways to become an Amazon product tester if you create lifestyle content that's product-focused.

10. BzzAgent


BzzAgent is another product testing gig that sends out free merchandise to people in exchange for their feedback.

The platform is free to sign up for and is similar to PINCHme and Daily Goodie Box. Additionally, BzzAgent works with some incredibly popular brands, including Armani Beauty, Conair, Lancome, and L'Oreal.

You create a profile that outlines your interests and hobbies. This helps BzzAgent match you with relevant product testing opportunities you'll actually enjoy. However, many campaigns require promoting the products you test on social media as well. For this reason, BzzAgent is best for anyone wanting to get into influencer marketing.

11. Vogue Insiders

If you want to get free makeup and beauty products, the Vogue Insiders program is for you.

This UK-based program from Vogue sends you free products in exchange for honest feedback. So, you can occasionally enjoy free beauty samples and new products, no strings attached.

Vogue also sends members early-access to certain online and in-person events. Overall, it's a great program to join if you regularly buy beauty products and want some freebies.

⭐ 45 Places To Get Birthday Freebies.

12. Join Brand Testing Programs

Many brands have their own in-house testing programs that you can use to get free products to review. Some of the most popular options include:

  1. Product Report Card: One of the leading survey and free product testing sites.
  2. JJ Friends & Neighbors: A free product testing program from Johnson & Johnson.
  3. L'Oreal VIP Testing: Get free L'Oreal products to test and review.
  4. McCormick Consumer Testing: This program sends you free McCormick products for you to test and provide feedback.
  5. MomSelect: Sends out products from parent-friendly companies with items for kids.
  6. SnagShout: This platform is similar to Rebaid and can sometimes have 100% discounts.
  7. Social Nature: This program specializes in free samples for natural and organic foods, beverages, and snacks.
  8. thePinkPanel: This panel focuses on women's consumer testing.
  9. Try Products: Another leading product testing panel with a variety of free items.
  10. VocalPoint: Another platform you can use to test appliances, electronics, and everyday essentials from major brands.
  11. Home Tester Club: This club also sends out free samples and products to at-home testers.
  12. The Savvy Sampler: This site connects you to numerous freebies from different brands.

Extra Reading – How To Make Money Online As A Beginner.

Final Thoughts On Getting Products To Review

If you're willing to share your opinion, you can make money and get free products to review. The real key is to stay consistent and to apply to several companies and testing panels so you maximize your opportunities.

As mentioned, starting a YouTube channel or blog can also lead to more lucrative review gigs. With a large enough influencer presence, you might have brands reaching out to you every single week with a variety of free products and paid work.

Finally, don't be afraid to explore similar side hustle ideas. For example, there are numerous companies that pay you to test apps or websites. As long as you can provide valuable feedback, there are plenty of ways to share your opinion to get free stuff or even cash.