Looking for some new ways to have fun as a family this summer without spending a small fortune? Here are 5 ideas for frugal summer fun for the entire family…
1. Have a water balloon fight. Kids love water balloon fights, especially when Mom and Dad are involved; and what better way to stay cool on a hot summer day? Divide your family into teams and make shelters from patio chairs, trees, and whatever else you can come up with. Parents against kids is always a good match, just be sure to let them win sometimes!
2. Make a “fun things to do / places to go” jar. A “fun things to do” jar can build up a lot of anticipation, which can often be just as much fun as the event itself. When you’re looking for something to do, simply have one of the family members randomly pull a slip from the jar and do it. Make sure that everyone’s idea gets included …and for extra fun slip a mystery one in there that you haven’t told the kids about yet.
3. Map out your favorite spots around town. This is great way to teach your kids about their hometown. Make a map of every ice cream parlor, walking trail, picnic spot, pool/beach or water park within an easy drive of your house and resolve to visit all of them before the summer is over. Hang the map on the kitchen wall and mark every place that you visit with a different colored thumbtack.
4. Go hunting (treasure hunting that is). What’s more mysterious and exciting than a treasure hunt? You don’t need to buy expensive prizes, because it’s finding them that’s the real reward! Get started by creating a series of cards with clues on them. Each card should lead to the next card until the last one finally leads to the treasure. If your kids aren’t old enough to read, use pictures to show them where they can find the next clue.
5. Challenge each other to crazy contests. What kinds of crazy talents can you discover among your family members this summer? Have a contest and find out! See who can skip the longest, fly their own paper airplane the furthest or eat a slice of pizza the fastest. Award the winner of the crazy contest a homemade plaque to be displayed on the refrigerator or their bedroom door.
Get creative with the ideas on this list and use them to come up with your own frugal summer fun. If you’re running low on ideas, sit down for a family brainstorming session and you may be surprised at what you can come up with to beat boredom without breaking the bank.
Hope you have a great summer!
written by: Jennifer Kirkpatrick