Can You Skip Paying Taxes on These 10 Money Sources?

Taxes have always been complicated. With the advent of so many side jobs, freelancing opportunities, and other extra income available, taxes have gotten even more confusing. I know I’ve wondered many times what is taxable and what is not. In the interest of saving you the headache I ended up with, here’s a quick list … Read more

7 Ways You Can Use Your Home to Earn

Many people claim that your home is your biggest asset, but it doesn’t always feel that way when you’re paying your mortgage and monthly bills. Wouldn’t it be great if your house could be used to earn you money? You can take advantage of these seven ways to help your house pay for itself, and … Read more

How to Spend Less Money on Gas 

The average gas price in the United State is at $2.73 a gallon for regular unleaded and $3.02 for diesel. Depending on where you live and the type of gas you use, you could be paying much more. With oil production low, prices are expected to rise even more this summer.  If you drive a large … Read more

How to help a homeless relative or loved one

It’s a common misconception that homeless people are on the streets because they’re lazy or addicted. People become homeless for many reasons, and its almost never a choice. Many lose their homes due to foreclosure, poverty, unemployment, mental illness, and physical injury. In all cases, they feel the only option is to hit the streets. … Read more