The Best 5-Player Board Games for Games Night

Board games have enjoyed a bit of a renaissance these past few years. When you were a kid, you probably played Parcheesi, Clue, Sorry, or Checkers to pass the time. As an adult, you might enjoy brain games or outdoor games. (Check out our article on brain games here, or our recommendations for outdoor games … Read more

Fun Brain Games for Adults

Recently, there’s been a huge surge in the number of brain training apps, and even physical games, designed to boost your cognitive ability, improve your memory, stall the aging process, and stave off brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. This is great news because keeping your brain young will only improve your life as you … Read more

Best Chore Apps for Busy Families 

Parenting is challenging. So much goes into taking care of kids, from buying clothes to scheduling doctor appointments to shuttling kids to various activities to packing school lunches. Even as children get older, it can be still be frustrating, especially when it comes to getting help around the house.  You may work full time and come home … Read more