Try these 8 easy tips to save money at restaurants. It really is possible to never pay full price at restaurants, but you'll have to make a little effort and plan ahead if you want to eat out cheap!
Save Money at Restaurants
- Discounted Gift Cards – Stock up on discounted gift cards to your favorite restaurants. How about a $50 California Pizza Kitchen gift card for just $42 or a $50 Cheesecake Factory Gift Card for only $44.50? The selection of restaurant gift cards changes daily, but you'll always find plenty to choose from! Discounted restaurant gift cards are great for vacations if you know which chain restaurants will be available at your destination. Buy Discounted Gift Cards For Up To 30% Off at!
- Groupon – Restaurants are frequently on Groupon
, and the savings can be as much as 50%! Get in the habit of checking Groupon…it's a great way to try new restaurants in your area and save money!
- Kids Eat Free – If you have children, take a moment to check out the website You can search by city and state to discover all the free kids meals in your neighborhood.
- Coupons on Restaurant Websites – Many restaurant websites have a free printable coupon waiting for you, and even more restaurants will send you coupons via email if you sign up for their newsletter. It's worth your time to visit the websites of your favorite restaurants.
- Twitter – Take a moment to follow your favorite restaurants on twitter! Restaurants like Papa John's, Outback and Quizno's have been known to regularly give out freebies to their followers.
- – More than 15,000 restaurants participate in's
$25 restaurant gift certificates for only $10!
- Birthday Freebies – Check out The Budget Diet's list of Birthday Freebies! Think BIG, think beyond just a free dessert! You’ll find generous offers like a free $30 gift certificate from Benihana or a FREE Grand Slam Breakfast from Denny's. Even better, many of these restaurants not only send you a free coupon on your birthday, but they will also send you a coupon the very day you sign up! Most offers do not require you use the coupon on your birthday, so load up and enjoy lots of freebies!
- – Restaurants want their tables filled, and you want to eat out cheap… puts you together. Currently is in 20 cities (more coming soon), and discounts are 30% – 40%.
There you have it, 8 easy ways to save money eating out! Remember, with all great deals you must read the fine print. Groupon and often restrict the days and times that you can redeem your certificate and other restrictions may apply.
Image courtesy of: worradmu /
In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl!