DoorDash is the leading food delivery service in North America. But, if you're currently working as a DoorDash driver, you might encounter a common problem drivers have: not getting enough orders.
Getting no orders on DoorDash is a nightmare for gig economy workers because it means you're sitting in your car or on your bike and not getting paid.
So, if you're wondering how to get more DoorDash orders and avoid the dreaded order drought, you're in luck. This post is covering common reasons for DoorDash not getting orders and how you can turn your luck around.
Why Is DoorDash Not Getting Orders?
There are several factors that determine if you get assigned orders on DoorDash or not. The main reasons you're not getting orders on DoorDash include delivering in a busy market, distance from pickup and dropoff locations, if you're scheduled for a dash, and potential technial issues with the Dasher app.
In other words, you might not be getting DoorDash orders for a wide variety of reasons, some of which are tricky to spot. So, let's dive into some of these common problems and some tactics to get more orders.
1. You're Not Logged Into A Dash
One of the most obvious yet common reasons you're getting zero DoorDash orders is because you're not actually scheduled and logged in for a Dash.
If you're doing DoorDash for the first time, this is a pretty easy mistake to make. But, you have to actually tap “Dash Now” and go online in a zone that's busy enough for you to Dash in (so it's not grayed-out.)
So, if you're not getting any DoorDash deliveries, just make sure you're online and in a zone that's eligible for Dashing right now.
2. You're Not A Top Dasher
The Top Dasher program is a program that incentivizes top performing DoorDash drivers.
Once you become a Top Dasher, your main perk is being able to Dash whenever you want to. However, DoorDash also states you get priority on orders over other drivers when things are slow.
The requirements to become a Top Dasher are:
- Having a customer rating of 4.7 stars or higher
- Having a DoorDash acceptance rate of 70% or higher
- Having a DoorDash completion rate of 95% or higher
- Complete 100 deliveries within the last month
- Have at least 200 all-time deliveries

Now here's the thing: reaching Top Dasher isn't normally worth it because having that high of an acceptance rate means you're accepting a lot of low-paying orders.
And, this goes against one of the most popular DoorDash driver tips of only accepting orders that pay around $1 per mile.
So, if you're not getting DoorDash orders whatsoever, you could consider going for Top Dasher one month to see if it makes a difference.
However, just be careful and make sure your hourly rate is still high enough so you're making good money with DoorDash.
3. Your Connection Isn't Working
Another reason you might not be getting any DoorDash orders is that there's a problem with your phone or the Dasher app.
This is actually more common than you might think, and the easiest way to test this is to just exit the Dasher app and to restart it. Basic tech support, I know, but sometimes the simplest solutions are the ones that work.
You should also check your cellular connection since if it's spotty, your Dasher app can have difficulties.
If these two steps fail, restart your phone and try launching the Dasher app again from a fresh start.
4. There Are Too Many Dashers
Sometimes, competition with other DoorDash drivers is the main reason you're getting no orders on DoorDash.
Whenever an order request comes through DoorDash's system, it has to decide which driver gets the order request first.

Usually, DoorDash assigns orders based on which Dashers are closest. Your driver rating also plays a role.
So, if there are a ton of Dashers online at once and in the same area as you, you're less likely to get order requests first.
This ultimately means you get fewer order requests per hour, or even none at all if there's way too much competition between drivers in your market.
5. Your Dash Is Paused
Another common culprit for not getting orders from DoorDash is that you accidentally pause your Dash.
This is actually pretty easy to do, and it's frustrating since you might end up waiting in your car for ages before you realise. So, check your Dasher app to make sure it doesn't say “paused” and that you're actively looking for more orders.
How To Get More Orders On DoorDash
Now that we've covered some common reasons you're not getting any orders on DoorDash, let's cover a few easy tips you can use to get more deliveries and make more money with DoorDash!
1. Schedule Dashes
One of the best ways to get more orders on DoorDash is to schedule yourself to Dash.
Scheduling a Dash means you're guaranteeing you can work at a certain time in the future. This means even if it gets busy in your market, you're already scheduled to Dash so you can hit the road and make more money.
You can schedule Dashes several days in advance within the Dasher app, and this is definitely one of the best ways to maximize your income with this side hustle.
2. Drive At The Right Times
Another Dasher hack to get more orders as a driver is to drive at the best DoorDash times.
This is a common tactic for driving gigs like working for Instacart or Uber Eats, and it's also incredibly important for your hourly earnings.
The reason for this is that you want to be active and on the road when customers are hungry and ordering the most food possible.
So, some peak DoorDash times you should drive at include:
- Lunches: Aim to start around 10:30 in the morning to get some breakfast orders and carry that into 2:00pm to 3:00pm for lunch.
- Dinner: Anytime after 5:00pm is typically a busy DoorDash time, especially later in the week and on the weekend.
- Late-Nights: Delivering from 8:00pm and late into the night is also a busy time on Friday and Saturday.

Weekends are generally the best days to do DoorDash, so mixing up your timing is a great way to get more orders.
3. Experiment With Hotspots
Another sneaky reason that might be why you're not getting DoorDash orders is that you're not waiting near enough restaurants.
Again, DoorDash factors in driver location when assigning orders, so it makes sense that you get fewer orders if you're in the middle of nowhere.
So, one trick you can try to get more DoorDash deliveries is to try waiting by hotspots.
DoorDash hotspots are clusters of restaurants and areas DoorDash estimates more orders are going to come from.
You can identify hotspots in the Dasher app by looking for small flame icons. Hotspots don't guarantee that you get more DoorDash orders, but if you're stuck with no orders, it's definitely a tactic worth trying.
4. Test Different Markets
One of the best tips for getting more DoorDash orders is to try out different markets.
Sometimes, your home market just isn't as busy as neighboring markets, and this isn't something you can control.
So, when you're scheduling Dashes, don't be afraid to schedule yourself in different markets nearby. In fact, you can even DoorDash in different states or cities.
This is a great way to test if other markets are busier, and you might also find that some markets pay more per hour depending on the type of restaurants and customers in the area.
Of course, you have to factor in DoorDash mileage into this because you don't always want to drive too far from home to deliver food.
But, if you're not getting DoorDash orders, I definitely recommend mixing up the zones you deliver in.
5. Try Earn By Time Mode
In June 2023, DoorDash started releasing its new Earn by Time mode to Dashers in select markets.
This new payment mode pays Dashers per hour, not per delivery, with a variable rate depending on their market. Dashers on Earn by Time mode still keep 100% of all tips and can unassign or cancel one order per hour.
If you're not getting any DoorDash orders, this new payment mode is excellent news. This is because you know how much you're making even if it's a slow day with fewer orders.
In my opinion, trying out Earn by Time is worth it for a few days if you live in a market where it's available.
6. Be Prepared
This is a simple tip but it's also a very important one.
When you're Dashing, you need to come prepared, especially if you're scheduled for a long day of driving.
This means you need:
- A reliable cell phone charging cable
- A packed lunch (so you don't have to spend too much money ordering food during the day)
- A battery bank (if your phone loses its charge very easily)
On the note of being prepared as a gig economy driver, I really like this video from Nuggs, a popular delivery driver Youtuber, on how to budget when you DoorDash.
Nuggs' video covers tactics to save money as a DoorDash driver, and being prepared is a major part of this overall strategy.
And, if you can save more money while you're Dashing, you're keeping more of your hard-earned money in your pocket!
Extra Reading – How To Make $150 Dollars Fast.
7. Try Stacked Orders
Stacked DoorDash orders are orders where you pick up two orders from the same restaurant and then make two separate deliveries.
You can get the same thing if you get two Instacart batches in one order, and overall, stacked orders are a great way to make more money in a single pickup.
So, if you're getting no orders on DoorDash, definitely jump on stacked orders when you get the chance so you can make up the extra money.
Just be careful in accepting stacked orders that have drop-off locations that are very far apart since you'll end up spending too much on gas.
8. Try The Para App
Another potential solution for when DoorDash is busy but you're not getting orders, or good orders, is to use the Para app.
Para is a gig economy app that provides tip estimations for DoorDash. It also helps you track your mileage, income, and even lets you flag certain restaurants so you know not to accept orders from them in the future.
Para's tip estimation tool is its most powerful feature. This is because it's very accurate, so it helps you accept more orders than you normally would by showing you what tips might pay.
In other words, Para helps you accept more orders that you might normally pass on, helping you deliver more orders per hour on average.
Its tip estimates aren't 100% accurate, but they're very good, so it's another useful tool to get more orders.
9. Try Other Apps Like DoorDash
One final tip for getting more DoorDash orders is to simply mix in other jobs like DoorDash into your gig work.
Multi-apping food delivery apps is common, and it lets you pick the highest-paying orders from several delivery apps so you can make more money.
Some popular apps people use in combination with DoorDash include:
- Instacart: The best paying grocery delivery side hustle out there.
- Steady: A free gig app that helps you find new side hustles and money-making opportunities in your area.
- Grubhub: Another food delivery app like DoorDash.
- Uber Eats: One of the most popular food delivery apps out there that's a great addition to DoorDash.
- Cornershop: Another popular grocery delivery job like Instacart you can try out.
- Shipt: Another leading grocery delivery gig.
- Amazon Flex: Get paid to deliver Amazon packages and occasional grocery orders to customers.
- ParaWorks: A new gig platform from Para that helps you find higher-paying delivery jobs.
Between these delivery apps, you should hopefully get enough orders to stay busy on the road and make as much money as possible.
If you multi-app, also make sure you use a mileage tracking app like Everlance to automatically track all of your extra income and expenses!
Extra Reading – The Best Uber Eats Driver Tips To Make More Money.
What Do Other Drivers Say About Not Getting DoorDash Orders?
So, what do other DoorDash drivers say about not getting enough orders?
Well, in one recent Reddit thread, here are some common reasons for getting no DoorDash orders according to other drivers:
- reditfu says: “Reason for not getting many orders could be that there are many active Dashers in your area and possibly top dashers. Top dashers get first pickings when it comes to new orders. Might just have to sacrifice your time and start completing those shitty 3.50$ orders to improve your rating.”
- dree-system says: “Have you scheduled a shift? Onboarding will tell you that they give you preference if you are on the schedule (unless you are a top dasher.)”
- 6ixhex says: “Too many dashers on the road is the most likely reason. In my city, if you don't get Top Dasher you don't even stand a chance…. Since almost every single person is out of a job and delivering right now.”
As you can see, a common reason for not getting DoorDash orders is too much competition with other drivers.
What's interesting is that some drivers don't think hotspots work at all, and scheduling shifts is absolutely crucial for getting enough orders.
This video from YouTuber Driver Mike also covers some common reasons for getting no orders on DoorDash and tips for fixing that problem.
Mike also covers a lot of tips to get more Peak Pay so you can make more money with DoorDash.
Extra Reading – DoorDash vs Uber Eats For Drivers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Is DoorDash Not Busy Anymore In 2023?
Many Dashers complain that DoorDash is slow in 2022 and that they're not getting as many orders as in 2021. A large part of this has to do with stores and places opening up, so people are relying on food delivery apps a bit less than in 2020 and 2021. And in some markets, new drivers get put on the DoorDash waitlist because the company has enough active drivers in that area.
However, DoorDash is still the leading food delivery app in North America according to Statista. This makes it the best food delivery app to start out with since you have the best chance of getting the most orders.
Why Am I Not Getting DoorDash Orders In A Hotspot?
A DoorDash hotspot increases the chances you get orders, but it's not a guarantee. Working at busy DoorDash times and scheduling Dashes are more important to your overall success and earnings than just waiting around hotspots.
Final Thoughts
I hope this guide helps explain why you're not getting any orders on DoorDash.
There are a lot of moving parts in any delivery gig, and DoorDash isn't an exception.
But, by using a few tips like driving at the right time and trying multiple jobs like Amazon Flex, Instacart, and Uber Eats, you can definitely maximize your earnings and find more success.
Happy Dashing!
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