15 Best DoorDash Memes For Drivers & Customers

As the most popular food delivery app in North America, it's not surprising a lot of people talk about DoorDash.

I mean, there's well over 100,000 DoorDash drivers out there, making it one of the most popular gig apps for making money. And there are millions of monthly DoorDash customers who use the platform to get food delivered.

At The Budget Diet, we cover topics like how to make more money with DoorDash, or other various strategies to succeed in the gig economy.

But everyone can use a laugh sometimes. And that's why this post is covering some of the best DoorDash memes out there.

It's also covering if sending DoorDash memes to your customer can result in better tips, so drivers are going to want to take notes!

Let's get to the memes!

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The Best DoorDash Memes

This collection of DoorDash memes includes memes about what it's like being a DoorDash driver as well as DoorDash customer memes.

Regardless of the side you're on, I hope you can find the humor in this meme collection!

The Waiting For Food Meme

As both Dashers and customers know, sometimes, restaurants take forever to get the food ready. That's why this category of DoorDash memes hits so close to home.

DoorDash Waiting Meme

Waiting around forever is just an inevitable part of food delivery, especially when traffic is bad.

And if DoorDash is slow in your market already, waiting for the orders you do get can be a nightmare. As for customers, there's nothing worse than being super hungry only to get the “your order will be delivered in 1.5 hours” type of message.

Thankfully, some Dashers like this meme down below have your back and deliver fast!

Deliver Fast DoorDash Meme

He really is the real MVP for this one!

DoorDash Is Expensive Memes

There's no denying that DoorDash can feel expensive, especially if you're ordering something cheap from McDonald's and get hit with all kinds of service fees.

And I'm sure many customers know the unfortunate feeling of spending a decent chunk of cash on a meal, only for it to arrive cold or lukewarm.

DoorDash is Expensive Meme

If this meme is relatable, you can also read my post on how to get free DoorDash gift cards to keep more money in your wallet!

Far Distance Delivery Memes

One of the most important DoorDash driver tips is to only accept deliveries that pay $1 to $1.50 per mile.

However, this can be easier said than done; sometimes, it feels like orders might as well send you to the moon for just a couple of bucks!

Far Delivery Distance Meme DoorDash

Driving 238,9000 miles seems pretty reasonable; who knows, the tip might be worth it! 😛

Pro Tip: Dashers, you can use the Para app to get tip estimates to help you know if an order is worth accepting or not! You can also use reward apps like GetUpside to get up to $0.25 back per gallon to help reduce fuel costs.

Low-Paying Order Memes

One of the most common reasons people say DoorDash sucks is that the base pay is low. After all, a $2 base pay in some markets means tips and promos are really important for making a solid wage.

That's why this DoorDash meme feels pretty spot on. I wonder if this is what happened at DoorDash headquarters!

DoorDash Pay Meme

That said, you can still make good money with DoorDash. However, low base pay is definitely unfortunate when you don't get high-paying orders.

And, sometimes, accepting those low-paying orders can give you some post-delivery regret down the line.

DoorDash Order Meme

Dream DoorDash Order Meme

Hopefully, DoorDash drivers out there know the feeling of getting a high-paying order that's only a few miles.

These dream orders come around once in a while. And if you get even luckier, the orders might only have a few items, simple drop-off instructions, and a juicy tip.

That's what this DoorDash driver meme outlines anyway; talk about a dream scenario!

Dream DoorDash Order meme

The “total is higher than $11 shown on acceptance” type of message really does make your day so much better.

DashPass Memes

If you regularly order food from DoorDash, getting DashPass is a great hack since it can help you save on delivery fees.

But this DoorDash meme has other ideas!

Free DashPass Meme

Honestly, this could be a pretty cool perk for DoorDash to introduce since it doesn't pay for gas or any of your other expenses…Pretty please?

The Rich DoorDash CEO Meme

By now, I'm sure many seasoned Dashers are familiar with Tony, the company's CEO.

One niche category of DoorDash memes jokes about how rich Tony is, and how he is the overlord of all Dashers.

Tony DoorDash CEO Meme

The $2 Tony nickname really gets me on this one.

Tipping In Person Memes

If you've been Dashing for a while, I'm sure you've had instances where you get tip baited.

This involves customers promising to tip or adding large tips to their orders before yanking them away later.

Personally, this is the worst thing you can do as a customer since jobs like DoorDash really rely on tips.

DoorDash Cash Tip Meme

If there was ever a time for a Spongebob DoorDash meme, I think this is it!

Unreachable Customer Meme

One of the most annoying things as a Dasher is to try delivering food, only to have the customer become suddenly unreachable.

Do DoorDash customers have social anxiety? What's going on here? Just answer your phone or the door!

Maybe this is what customers are getting up to:

Hide From Dasher Meme

If you wait around for a while and still can't reach your customer, the urge to eat all their food is definitely there!

Too bad you're supposed to return the food to the restaurant if the customer is unreachable to avoid a DoorDash contract violation.

Unreachable Customer Meme

Missing Food Memes

I think one of my favorite categories of DoorDash memes is when Dashers pretend to get a few bites in of the food.

This meme sums it up perfectly, right down to the little nibble on the chicken tender.

DoorDash meme take a bite

Of course, never do this since this is wrong and will get you deactivated.

But sometimes, it might not be your fault at all, as this desperate Dasher explains in a text!

DoorDash Baby Mama Meme

DoorDash App Crash Memes

Another problem most Dashers are probably familiar with is the DoorDash app crashing.

This honestly happens every week or so in many markets, and it's pretty frustrating since it means you can't accept orders.

I wonder if this DoorDash meme is actually accurate for what the tech support and server room are like!

DoorDash App Crash Meme

Pro Tip: If the DoorDash app crashes, try switching to other food delivery apps like Uber Eats or Instacart!

Extra Reading – How To Make $1,000 A Week With Uber Eats.

Should You Send DoorDash Memes To Customers?

Now that we've covered some of the best memes about DoorDash, it's time to dive into one interesting idea that's been circulating on r/DoorDash.

According to some drivers, one DoorDash hack is to send memes to your customer when out on deliveries to try and get larger tips. The idea is that humor makes you more personable, so the customer feels obliged to tip more.

Here's what some other DoorDash drivers are saying about sending memes to customers:

  • krazyk007x says: “I'm personally on the fence about sending memes. On one hand, I think it's great & would probably add to a tip. On the other, there are some people with zero sense of humor & might go on a tangent about it being “unprofessional”. But now that I'm thinking about it, those aren't usually going to be the good tippers anyway.”
  • kirshmill says: “It’s working pretty good, I got a tip increase and had someone thank me.”
  • catcatherine says: “I started doing it after this thread. My ratings and good comments have gone up, I've gotten 2 cash tips where they specifically said it was because of the meme, and lots of people send memes back which has made dashing more fun.”
  • Impressive-Number450 says: “I've been sending memes to customers for a long time now and no one has ever complained or said I was unprofessional. All it's done has made me closer with my customers and made them tip me more.”

As you can see, a few Dashers say that sending memes to customers does net more tips and higher ratings. But, of course, you risk running into a grumpy customer who does the opposite.

I'd say this hack is worth testing, so try it for 100 deliveries and see if the average tip amount goes up!

Extra Reading – The 10+ Best Apps That Pay You To Drive.

Final Thoughts

I hope this list of the best DoorDash memes provides a chuckle or even some memes you can use to potentially get more tips.

DoorDash is popular for plenty of reasons. It has great market share, lots of restaurant partners, and it's a very easy side hustle to start out.

But, of course, there are some frsutrating bits like any other gig economy app. Hopefully, you can find the humor in some of these bits at least the next time you order or head out for delivery.

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