DIY Personalized Mugs: Spice up the Plain White Mug

Bring a creative twist to your plain white mugs with DIY personalized mugs. It brings a personal touch to your mugs.

Get tired of a plain mug? Spice it up with creative designs you can make on your own! Today, I am going to share two ways on how to make personalized mugs. You just need a bit of creativity and… time.

What you need:

  1. 2 white mugs
  2. Sharpie permanent markers (different colors)
  3. Dry erase marker
  4. Decal paper
  5. Mod Podge (Dishwater safe from amazon)

Grab one white mug and start drawing your designs. It could be an inspiring quote or a beautiful scenery. Dry erase marker serves as eraser on permanent markers. You can use it to delete mistakes or create stunning designs. Use eraser or towel to clean up the mess.

diy personalized mugs
Step 1: Use Sharpie makers to draw designs on the mug.

If you are satisfied with the look of your mug, it is time to bake it. Set the oven to 350 degrees and put the mug. Let it bake for 30 minutes. After the time, leave it in the oven to cool.

diy personalized mugs
Step 2: After that, bake the mug for about 30 minutes.

Another way to personalize your mug is using decal paper. First measure your mug. The measurements will serve as your guide in your designs.

diy personalized mugs
Step 3: Another way to design mugs is to use decal paper. First, measure the mug.

Create your designs on Photoshop or any photo editor.  It could be a collage of family photos or another inspiring scenery or quote. Print your design on the decal paper. Cut it out. Ensure you trim the excess paper.

diy personalized mugs
Step 4: Print the design on decal paper and cut it out.

Check if the design has completely dried up for the next step. Peel the design from the paper and gradually apply on the mug. It is advisable you work section by section. Use your fingers to feel for air bubbles.

diy personalized mugs
Step 5: Peel the design and apply it on the mug.

For the finishing touch, apply a couple of layers of mod podge on the design. Then, let it dry.

diy personalized mugs
Step 6: Apply layers of mod podge on the design.

And you are finished! Drinking coffee will never be the same again with these fascinating personalized mugs.

diy personalized mugs
Step 7:Let it dry and your mugs are ready for drinking.

Watch How it is Done