Clean Your House in 15 Minutes a Day

house cleaning schedule
Here's a solution for those who love a clean house, but dread cleaning day…

Instead of planning a marathon day of cleaning every week or two, start setting aside 15 minutes a day for cleaning. Even better…delegate some of your cleaning chores to your children! I'll be happy to teach you how to make a chore chart!

Doesn't 15 minutes a day sound better than spending half your Saturday cleaning or going crazy the day of your party to make the house look perfect? The key is to make a house cleaning schedule, so that every room in your house will be cleaned every 2 weeks.

If you tackle one room each day or one task each day, you'll never feel like a maid again! Here's a suggested house cleaning schedule to get you started, just customize it for your house and let the cleaning begin!

  • Monday: run the dust mop under all furniture, beds, etc.
  • Tuesday: vacuum downstairs
  • Wednesday: vacuum upstairs
  • Thursday: mop kitchen, bathroom and foyer
  • Friday: clean 1 bathroom (the tub, the shower, the toilet, the sink, the counters)
  • Saturday: clean 1 bathroom (the tub, the shower, the toilet, the sink, the counters)
  • Monday: vacuum high traffic areas (high traffic areas usually need to be vacuumed once a week)
  • Tuesday: dust living room, den and dining room (don't forget to dust the baseboards and blinds or shutters)
  • Wednesday: dust bedrooms (don't forget the baseboards, blinds or shutters)
  • Thursday: extra job (this is a cleaning job that only needs to be done every once and a while like dusting ceiling fans or cleaning out the refrigerator)
  • Friday: clean kitchen (the stove, the sink, dust, clean counters)
  • Saturday: sweep porch and wipe off porch furniture

That's it…once you've completed the first 2 week cycle, your house will always feel clean! Certainly we can all find 15 minutes in our busy day!


Image courtesy of: scottchan /