The Best 5-Player Board Games for Games Night

Board games have enjoyed a bit of a renaissance these past few years. When you were a kid, you probably played Parcheesi, Clue, Sorry, or Checkers to pass the time. As an adult, you might enjoy brain games or outdoor games. (Check out our article on brain games here, or our recommendations for outdoor games … Read more

Fun Brain Games for Adults

Recently, there’s been a huge surge in the number of brain training apps, and even physical games, designed to boost your cognitive ability, improve your memory, stall the aging process, and stave off brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. This is great news because keeping your brain young will only improve your life as you … Read more

The Ultimate List of Cheap Date Night Ideas

list of cheap date night ideas

Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to going out? Do you and your husband always opt to stay home and watch a movie or is your date night nonexistent thanks to a lack of funds? Date night is important in a relationship, and it doesn’t have to be a budget buster week … Read more

Valentine’s Date Night on a Budget

valentine's on a budget

You don’t need money; you need creativity for a perfect Valentine’s Day! On Valentine’s Day, it isn’t the budget that creates the romance; it’s the intimacy! You don’t automatically have to choose the more expensive options—especially if doing so will hurt you financially. Here are some ideas for creating a fantastic date that won’t empty … Read more

Impress A Date with Your Personality, Not Your Pocketbook

cheap first date ideas

You don’t have to spend $180 to make a great first impression! Her name was Katie and she was an exceedingly attractive 24-year-old admissions director in New York City. We’d met at a party of a mutual friend and I was enamored from the first joke until she left with friends close to midnight. Luckily … Read more

Dates on a College Budget

dating on a budget

College is a lovely time in a person’s life. Setting loans in the back of your mind, you happily make a few bucks flipping burgers while trying your best to pass every class. Somewhere in there, you have to have a social life. That can be hard when you’re barely scraping by living paycheck to … Read more