Are You a Savvy Saver?

Do you think you're a savvy saver? Take this quiz and find out!

1. When it comes shopping…
A. I'm a shopaholic…I buy what I want, when I want it and I cringe when the bill comes!
B. I occasionally splurge, but I usually wait for a good sale.
C. I only buy what I need, and I never pay full price.

2. If I here the word SALE…
A. I'm all over it!
B. It seems like there's always a sale somewhere, so I don't get too excited.
C. You can't fool me, I know a real sale when I see one, and I always compare prices.

3. I'm guilty of…
A. Buying something, getting home and realizing I already had it!
B. Not taking the time to compare prices…who has time for that?
C. Holding up the line in the store because I have to run out to the car to get my coupon!

If you answered mostly A's, you're a shopaholic and need to start living by the motto “patience pays.” Always ask yourself if it's a need or a want, and then take the time to compare prices and find the best deal.

If you answered mostly B's, you're a want-to-be savvy saver! Your bargain shopping intentions are good, but your follow through is lacking.

If you answered mostly C's, you can proudly wear the savvy saver crown!

Whether you're a savvy saver or a shopaholic, you'll save time and money with It's not an app, it's not a website, but it is a free comparison shopping toolbar that will appear whenever you're shopping online to alert you to a better price on the exact item you're looking for.

Here's how it works:

  • Go to and install the free SavvySaver bar…don't worry, it works with all the popular browsers, and it won't slow your computer down.
  • Now it's time to take it for a “test drive”…start shopping, and you'll see the blue SavvySaver bar appear at the top of your screen to let you know if another internet store is offering a better price…they'll search more than 13,000 retailers automatically for you!
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  • The SavvySaver bar is doing the research for you, so you save time and money!
  • Done shopping? Found your best deal? The little blue SavvySaver bar will disappear until the next time you're shopping online!

A few words of advice…

To the shopaholic, you need the SavvySaver bar because it's an easy way to find the best deals, and it won't slow you down.

To the want-to-be savvy saver, the SavvySaver bar will help you shop smarter because you'll have no more excuses for not comparing prices.

To the savvy saver, consider the SavvySaver bar just another tool in your bag of smart shopping tricks!

Happy Shopping & Saving!

