A Budget Diet for the Holidays

how to save money for christmas

Weekly Challenge: A Budget Diet for the Holidays

Here's your weekly challenge – stick to your budget diet this holiday season and gain wealth not debt!

This simple 3-step process will ensure you start the New Year on budget.

Make a List

We all know that meal planning and preparing a grocery list will help save your money. Well, the same applies to Christmas shopping! Take a moment and make a list of who you need to shop for, how much you will spend on each person and gift ideas for that person. Example: Lisa, $30, jewelry or a cookbook. Keep this list in your purse, so you'll have it with you whenever you're out shopping.

Search for Bargains
  • Can you buy any discounted gift cards to save money on a gift? You can save 5% – 30% on your gifts by simply shopping with a discounted gift card. Right now you can buy a $125 Bath and Body Works gift card for $108.75 from ABCGiftCards.com, that's an instant savings of $16.25! Now feel free to use that discounted gift card during a sale or with a coupon to maximize your savings! Learn more about buying discounted gift cards. It only takes a few minutes to do a web search for discounted gift cards.
  • Shop discount stores first – try T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Ross, Homegoods and Half Price Books. You might be pleasantly surprised how many gifts you can check off your list without blowing your budget!
  • Shopping Online? Always take a minute to search for coupon codes for extra savings! Need to know how to find coupon codes?
  • Take time to read the newspaper ads! You're certain to find a sale, and you just might find a coupon!


Check Everyone Off Your List

Once you've made your list, found your bargains and stuck to your budget…check the person off your list! If you're shopping way ahead of time, have a central location where you keep all your gifts. Don't be tempted to buy one more little thing because those last minute stocking stuffers will add up!

If you stick to this Budget Diet plan you won't blow your budget this holiday season, and you can start the New Year without being weighed down in debt.


Image courtesy of Boians Chu Joo Young / FreeDigitalPhotos.net