DIY Transfer Wood Pictures: An Easy Way to Add an Antique Effect on your Photos

Give a classic look to your photos with this DIY tutorial of Wood Transfer Picture. It will also make your images last longer.

Give your photos an antique twist by transferring them to thick and tough wood. Absurd? No! This wood transfer picture is easy to make and your pals will surely be impressed. They will ask you every detail of it. No pounding on wood needed. It is also great gift for someone special.

What you need:

  1. Printed photo
  2. 8 x 8 wood piece
  3. Gloss gel medium
  4. Sponge brush
  5. Mod podge
  6. Wash cloth

Ensure your photo is printed on a regular paper. The thinner the paper is, the better.

Apply a lot of gel medium on the wood piece using sponge brush. Make sure to smooth it out all over the wood.

diy wood transfer pictures
Step 1:Using brush, apply gel medium all over the wood piece.

Lay out the picture. Turn the wood over and press it down the photo. Turn it over and smooth the photo out to eliminate the air bubbles. Leave it overnight or for 8 hours to dry.

diy wood transfer pictures
Step 2:Press down the wood piece on the printed picture. Let it dry overnight.

Take the wet wash cloth and put it on top of the wood. Push it down a bit to get the paper wet.

diy wood transfer pictures
Step 3:Put wet wash cloth on top of the wood and press it down a bit.

Then, start scrubbing the paper off the wood using the wash cloth leaving the picture on the wood. If there a bits of paper left behind, wipe it off again with the cloth. Once done, let the picture dry.

diy wood transfer pictures
Step 4:Scrub off the paper using the wash cloth.

Apply about 2-3 coats of Mod Podge on the picture to protect and give the picture a glossy effect. Then, leave it to dry.

diy wood transfer pictures
Step 5:Apply a couple of coats of Mod Podge on the wood transfer picture.

And you are finished! You can add picture hooks on the back to easily put it in display.

diy wood transfer pictures
Step 6:Let it dry and it is ready for display!

Watch How it is Done

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4 years ago

Can you do this on a stained or painted piece of wood?

4 years ago

Can you do this on wood that is already stained?

6 years ago

Thank you so much for this idea! I made it for my parents for their 27th anniversary!

7 years ago

Does the picture have to be printed from a laser printer or can you use the ink jet printer?

7 years ago

Can u tell me what kind of wood you got them to cut for you? I’m at my Home Depot now and there is so much to choose from. The one they originally cut for me came out all split on the ends where it was cut and they were going to charge me by the foot. Yikes!

8 years ago

Yea, me too! What is gel medium and since I don’t think we have that here in the Philippines, what can I use as an alternative? Also, when I print the photos, do I need to like print the ‘mirror’ side, so that when the images are already on the wood, the people on the pictures would still be on the same side as they are on the original pictures instead of ‘mirrored’?


Chipmunk lipp
8 years ago

Use regular copy paper.

8 years ago

What paper do u use

8 years ago

Was wondering the same thing ⬆

8 years ago

Hi just wondering what gel medium is? Thanks

Ktherine L Morgan
7 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

me too

7 months ago
Reply to  Ashley

i googled it
Gel Medium is essentially a binder without pigment. Without getting too technical, it was initially an acrylic substance used to build texture in paintings by mixing with acrylic paint. It increases the paint’s transparency and dries clear without diminishing its consistency or adhesive properties.
it appears it can be found at walmart, amazon. office supply stores etc

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