7 Quick and Healthy Ways to Make Summer Meals Fun and Hasty

Budget meals that take less of your time to prepare and serve so you don't have to be cooked up in the kitchen.

Summer is not the best time to stay in the kitchen for too long. Also, you do not want to go out to the scorching heat to buy some ingredients. If you want to eat delicious meals and fully enjoy summer, then follow these tips to make cooking easy and simple.

Write down the meal plan. List down the family’s top choice meals in order to buy the ingredients beforehand. So, if you need a particular ingredient, you don’t have to run out to the store to buy it.  If you are lucky, you might also find them on sale.


Put vegetables and fruits in your meals. Forget about cooking them, serve them raw. Raw vegetables and fruits are more nutritious and they contain more water which prevents dehydration.


A crock pot is not only used for colder months. A crock pot is ideal to prevent your kitchen from getting too hot as it produces less heat. Put the ingredients in the crock pot in the morning and they are ready for dinner. You are cooking food even though you are away or doing something else.

crock pot

Make essential items such as sauces in substantial amount in advance. Store or freeze them. Take them out when you need them.


Make various types of salad. Salads require less preparation time so you can enjoy them in just a few minutes. You can also have pasta salads beforehand, refrigerate and eat them if they are cool enough.


When planning your meal, make sure you have enough so there would be leftovers. If you grill or bake chicken, you have leftovers for chicken salad sandwiches. Pot roast leftovers to create roast sandwiches. Freeze the vegetables and use them for soups during winter months. Bear in mind leftovers should be not left behind because they can be used to make more delicious treats.

leftover chicken

Include a single vegetarian meal every week. It gives you an opportunity to try other vegetable recipes and moreover, it provides a new taste different from meat. Buy from the market or harvest from your garden and have them as your ingredients for your super-healthy vegetable meal.

vegetarian meal


With these tips, you can keep your home cooler for the hot weather. Moreover, your family stays healthy and you get to totally appreciate the summer season.