7 Items You Should Buy Used To Get The Most For Your Money

items you should be used



In this economy, buying used can get you almost all of the functionality of a new item without the price tag. While we tend to like buying items brand new from the store, some items are worth buying used.

Items You Should Buy Used



Furniture is usually built to last, so why spend full price for new furniture when a model a few years older is in good condition and costs far less? Finding old furniture for a good price is not difficult, especially compared to new models that are often twice as much. A thorough cleaning with baking soda can brighten any couch and get rid of small stains, making a used couch look brand new.


A new car can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and it quickly looses its value as soon as you drive it off the lot. For most people, this is far out of their budget, so they resort to expensive financing options. Buying a used car in good condition can save you thousands of dollars. Make sure that the model of the car is one that has a reputation for a long lifetime and low maintenance requirements.


Whether it is books, movies, or video games, there is no need to buy entertainment new. Considering that used movies and video games will last years in good condition and cost a fraction of their new equivalent, the opportunity to save exceeds the potential of early breakage. If the DVD cases are cracked, consider putting all DVDs in one binder with sleeves.


It's a little-known fact that, due to high prices of textbooks for college students, there is a thriving market for used textbooks. Almost any textbook can be found online for less than the original price. This can and will save hundreds per year in book expenses. Although campus bookstores will offer used textbooks for a better price, going online or buying from other students instead can save even more.


Good knives, pots and pans, and other kitchen equipment costs a lot of money. However, kitchenware is designed to withstand prolonged use. Some kitchenware, like cast iron pots, actually improves with use. Get these items used and enjoy the savings without compromising on quality.

Exercise Equipment

Sports and exercise equipment like treadmills, bikes and weights are built to be tough, so they should last years of prolonged use. Buying exercise equipment used can save you lots of money, and it's unlikely you'll have any major repairs on these items. Often times, people buy brand new treadmills or stationary bikes and don't use them much, so even older models can still be in great condition and reliable.


Like kitchenware, tools like wrenches, screwdrivers, and hammers are made to last through years of use in tough conditions. They also don't get used very regularly in the home. There are always people looking to upgrade to new gear and get rid of their old stuff, so take advantage and get a discount on good equipment.


The savings you can get from buying used items doesn't always require you to compromise on quality. Consider getting these items used to get reliable items without draining your wallet. You can find used items at thrift stores, Goodwill, garage sales and even online at sites like Craigslist. Goodwill and garage sales are a great place to find the best deals on lightly used furniture, while thrift stores is a great option for a new wardrobe. If you are looking to get cars or electronics, Craigslist is a great place to find a reasonable price.



written by:  Anita Ginsburg