5 Ways to Get Free Things Online

I’m an avid saver and when it comes to deals, I tend to call myself the queen of the town. I swear that everyone I know comes to me when it’s time to find the best deal possible. Sometimes, it makes me wonder if I should start up some sort of service!

While I tend to talk about a coupons a lot, I wanted to showcase some ways on how you can get free things. There are no strings attached and the process isn’t that hard. Whether it’s a T-shirt or a package of candy, you will find that by following these tips, you should be able to get a load of things for free!

#1 Join Forums: Major websites such as SlickDeals.net, as well as others like FatWallet.com offer some great freebie forums. These freebie forums are packed full of people posting deals that are found around the web on a daily basis. Be sure to act fast on these offers, as you will find that some of them will go fairly fast.

#2 Join Company Lists: Think of your favorite companies out there. It can be anything from food to your local movie theatre. What I had done was create an email account just for my email lists. You’ll be amazed at how many freebie coupons you’re going to get in your email inbox. You can get everything from coupons to samples.

#3 Getting Free Food: This is one that many people don’t know. If you go to your favorite restaurants site, there’s a great chance that they have an e-mail list. Well, you’re going to find that a high majority of them are going to give you free appetizer coupons, as well as desserts just for joining! Sure, you may have to make a purchase, but it’s a great way to get a free addition to the meal.

#4 Free Items at Grocery Stores: If you don’t subscribe to the Sunday paper, I would highly recommend that you do so. When you subscribe to the Sunday paper, you’re going to get coupons from publications such as Red Plum and SmartSouce. Use lists such as CouponMom.com to find out which coupons you can use on top of sale items to get the item for free. For example, a stick of butter might be on sale for $1. If you have a coupon for .50, the stores will double it, making it free!

#5 Just search: This works fairly well and it works wonders for a lot of things. Let’s say that you want a free magazine subscription. Simply search for it and see what comes up. Be wary of scams, because you will find that there are a lot of them out there. You will find that there are some places that may want you to do a survey or nothing at all. It’s a great way to find out what’s out there.

By following a few of these tips, you’re going to find that you can find many free things. There are always freebies out there, so make sure you do your homework to find something that won’t cost you a penny!


written by: Elizabeth Cutten

Elizabeth posts deals on MyCCFinder on a daily basis, where you can find discount codes, coupons, and more!


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net