With the current economic recession causing many to tighten their financial belts, there's never been a better time to start budgeting. Keeping an eye on your personal finances can be a daunting task if you don't stay organized. In today's fast-paced, on-the-go world, many are turning to mobile applications to make budgeting a reality. When you're ready to take the plunge into mobile budgeting, consider these five great mobile apps.
Intuit's Mint is probably the most well known financial application in the mobile space. Originally launched as an online money management and personal finance tool, the companion mobile application has many of the same features and functionality. The simple, user-friendly design makes it easy to track spending, receive alerts, monitor savings goals, and analyze trends. Plus, the overview page lets you see all of your accounts, spending, and savings goals in one convenient location. Perhaps its greatest feature—Mint lets you connect to a large variety of financial accounts. As founder Aaron Patzer puts it, “Mint has the advantage of working across 18,000 banks, credit unions and brokerage and investment firms, so you can see all of your balances and a complete picture.”[2] Mint's mobile application is available for iPhone, iPad, and Android. Both the online and mobile applications are free, as Mint monetizes their application through product suggestions.
PageOnce offers another great personal budgeting tool and mobile application. Like Mint, this convenient application lets you receive real-time updates, set alerts, and analyze your spending habits with visually appealing charts and graphs. It also has a couple extra features that Mint doesn't have. PageOnce is one of the only mobile budgeting applications to offer bill pay. Of course, this extra service costs $4.99 per month and isn't available on their web-based platform. PageOnce also lets you link to more than just financial accounts. You can link to your mobile service provider to track your minutes or your travel rewards program to track your rewards points. This free application is available for the web, Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile.
Like the first two apps above, HelloWallet offers real-time updates, alert notifications, and helps you track spending across various financial accounts. However, HelloWallet takes its service a step further by analyzing your financial data to make personalized recommendations. The app also includes a GPS feature that tracks your spending history at various locations in real-time. The company's focus is on the customer, with no revenue earned from product suggestions or advertisements. In order to compensate for this customer-focused strategy, the online platform charges $8.95 per month. The mobile app is free, but you need to have the web application to access it. HelloWallet is available for the web, iPhone, and iPad.
Newcomer Adaptu broke onto the mobile app scene in early December 2012. Its newness acts as a double-edge sword. On the one hand, Adaptu has the advantage of correcting the flaws in the apps that came before it. On the other hand, they'll probably run across a few bugs over the next several months. That being said, the feedback received so far has been great. The information tracked by Adaptu is always up-to-date, allowing the application to deliver real-time financial tips and suggestions. For instance, Adaptu can tell you whether you have the funds available to purchase that new smartphone you've been looking at. Just don't get angry when you don't like what you hear. Adaptu also lets you take snapshots of membership and business cards, so you can store your information securely in the application and leave your clunky wallet at home.
Buxfer provides an awesome experience for college students and other twenty-somethings with roommates. Like the other apps, it allows you to connect financial accounts, track spending, access reports, and set budgets. It also features the ability to track IOUs and split bills evenly between multiple parties—a great resource for avoiding arguments over who paid what on the last utility bill. This free app is available on the web, for iPhone, and as a plug-in on several social media sites like Facebook. For Android, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile users, Buxfer also offers a mobile version of their website.
About Check ‘n Go
Check ‘n Go has been a leader in online payday loans and check cashing services for over 15 years, helping to build legitimacy to the consumer lending industry through their work with the Consumer Financial Services Association. Check ‘n Go sets high standards for responsible and ethical lending in a rapidly expanding cash advance and payday loan business. Check ‘n Go works tirelessly to provide consumers with auto title loans, check cashing, installment loans, payday loans, and other financial needs.
[1] Fitzpatrick, Jason. “Five Best Mobile Personal Finance Tools.” Lifehacker. 2 Jan. 2011. Web. 22 Dec. 2011.
[2] Hockenson, Lauren. “11 Digital Tools for Keeping Tabs on Your Personal Finances.”Mashable. 14 Nov. 2011. Web. 22 Dec. 2011.
[3] Shifrin, Marina. “Which App Should You Use to Track Your Money: Comparing Mint, Adaptu, HelloWallet, Pageonce.” MyBankTracker.com. 15 Dec. 2011. Web. 22 Dec. 2011.