4 Ways You Can Make Money Off Broken Everyday Items

sell broken items
Did you know that the average person has $2,000 of junk laying around? That means that you could be sitting on money that could help you pay bills, or just have some extra money.

Now, even if some of your everyday items are broken, they are not worthless. You can easily earn some extra cash by selling your broken items to the highest bidder. Here are four ways to make money off of those spare items hanging around that you can no longer use.

Make Money – Sell Broken Items

Sell Your Broken Jewelry
Selling your real jewelry made of precious metals and stones that you no longer want is a quick way to earn money. Seek a licensed jewelry shop to sell your assorted jewelry for cash. Some of the best places to go for selling your old jewelry are Craigslist and eBay. These sites are obviously huge, and you can usually make a good amount of money off your items.

Sell Your Broken Down Vehicle
Do you have a broken down car in your garage that is gathering dust? Turn it into extra bucks for your bank account by taking it to a salvage yard. Many folks will buy a broken vehicle and fix it up. Broken down cars also provide a good payout from an auto repair shop or a scrap yard. Depending on the make, model and year of your broken car, you can earn a few hundred or a few thousand extra dollars by scrapping your vehicle.

Scrap Old Appliances
An old washer, dryer, or refrigerator does not have to sit down the basement or be thrown on the front lawn on trash day. By scrapping old appliances, you can get some of your original investment back after your appliances no longer operate correctly. In addition, many scrap yards will pick up your old appliances and pay you for them on the spot

Earn Money for Broken Electronics
Don’t miss out on some extra funds by discarding your broken electronics. Even if your laptop, cell phone, tablet, or other electronic device does not work, it still has some resale value. Although a broken cell phone may seem worthless, cell phone repair specialists are eager to buy them. Electronic repair shops also purchase broken electronics.

Round up all of your broken devices and explore the moneymaking possibilities. Keep on mind that if an offer sounds too good to be genuine, then it probably is. If you want to secure the best price for your broken everyday merchandise, you must weigh the options to find the best offer. Be sure to research the possibilities in your community so you can make a nice profit off of your broken goods. Look into online marketplaces like Craigslist and EBay to also sell your stuff.


written by:  Tricia Borren

Tricia is just a mother and a blogger from California. There’s not much more to her than that! You can find her on Google+ 


image courtesy of Gualberto107, FreeDigitalPhotos.net